Saturday, January 28, 2017

10 Essential Ingredients of Successful Businesses

Have you ever wondered if there’s one most important technique or approach most small business owners use for success? There’s not! But there are some essential ingredients that go into building almost every successful small business. You can see some of those essential ingredients by checking out the list of tips from members of our small business community below.

Become an Empowered Business Owner

Empowerment is a key ingredient of running a successful business. Whether you’re a woman or a man, you need to find ways to empower yourself through a variety of sources, as this CorpNet post by Nellie Akalp points out.

Find the Right Marketing Channels to Focus On

If you want your marketing efforts to be effective, then you need to find the best channels for your business. This post by Sherice Jacob on the Kissmetrics blog explores how businesses can go about finding the right marketing channels in 2017.

Don’t See Yourself as Unemployed

Entrepreneurs often look at things differently. Sometimes, they even look at their own employment differently, as Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media discusses in this post. BizSugar members also discuss the concept further here.

Embark on an Outreach Campaign

To get your business in front of more potential consumers, you need to reach out to people. And you can do that through an outreach campaign, as outlined in this post by Derek Iwasiuk.

Comment to Build Your Brand and Traffic

Blogging for your business isn’t just about creating your own original content. You can also build your brand and grow your traffic by commenting on other blogs. Ann Smarty offers tips for doing just that in this MyBlogU post.

Get to Profitability Faster

Most small businesses start out with slim to no profits. But you can get to profitability faster if you follow the tips in this Fundera Ledger post by Billie Ann Grigg. You can also see input from members of the BizSugar community here.

Use These Cohesive Mobile App Strategies

In 2017, having a mobile strategy is no longer optional. And mobile apps can be a great way to bolster your mobile presence. This Techlofy post by Alesia Nik goes over some cohesive mobile app strategies you can use for your business in 2017.

Stop Your Team From Missing Deadlines

Making deadlines is absolutely essential for businesses to function properly. And you can help your team stay on track with those deadlines by setting up recurring tasks, as Benjamin Brandall details in this Process Street post.

Nurture Leads Using Business Intelligence Data

In order to nurture leads and make smart business decisions, you need to have all the available information at your disposal. That’s where business intelligence data comes in. Learn more about using that data in this Target Marketing post by Rohan Ayyar. Then see what the BizSugar community has to say about the post.

Learn About These Common Dilemmas and Their Solutions

Dilemmas are going to be part of running any small business. But if you learn some of the common ones, along with how to solve them, you can give your business an advantage. Check out some of those common dilemmas for 2017 in this SMB CEO post by Erin Feldman.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

Ingredients photo via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Essential Ingredients of Successful Businesses" was first published on Small Business Trends

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