Monday, January 16, 2017

4 Reasons Your Small Business Needs Content Marketing

Think your company doesn't need a blog strategy? Lots of small businesses could benefit from these ways to use content marketing.

Small businesses today are competing with a lot of noise.  Consumers are plowing through the clutter as they use DVRs to skip through commercials, install ad-blockers to browse the websites they love without ads interrupting, and customize what shows up in their social media news feeds.

This makes it imperative to find ways to make sure your small business isn’t ignored. Write messages that your target audience will want to see and read.  Whether you are looking for topics for social media post inspiration or ideas to use to make your blog posts draw customers in, it’s essential to reevaluate the way you communicate with customers. Replace the sales pitch with helpful information and the consumers will start to open their eyes and ears.  Market with the goal to make buyers see your brand as a valued information provider — not an interruption.

This type of marketing is called content marketing. Content marketing focuses on communicating with the customer and creating and distributing information with the intent to engage a target audience and promote brand awareness. Information needs to be relevant and value-packed to help your small business attract and retain customers.  Take a look at these 4 ways content marketing can drive results and increase your bottom line.

Ways to Use Content Marketing

Bolster Brand Awareness

One key to a successful content marketing strategy is consistency.  Publish fresh content regularly to create multiple opportunities for your target market to see your company’s name. This is one of many ways to stand out from your competition, plus repetition makes your brand more familiar. Stay in the forefront of consumer’s minds so the next time they want or need the products or services you offer, they support you.

Build a Reputation as an Industry Leader

If there are eight electricians in town and only one provides helpful information to people in the community, this is the brand that will stand apart as the trusted expert. Take the necessary actions to demonstrate your expertise so prospective customers don’t question or research your skills. The small business that helps consumers, especially when they aren’t getting paid, will also earn a reputation of being trustworthy.

Reel People In With Shareable Content

Create a steady flow of new information on various topics to open doors and drive traffic to your website.  You want to bring people in through search, traditional media, social media, and more.  Marketing tactics such as pay-per-click advertising and  digital banner ads don’t work as well if there is no content to promote. These vehicles need something to discuss and a place to link to. Publish relevant and current content so people have a reason to click and to encourage repeat visitors. These types of content also boost search engine ranking and increase the chances that potential customers will find your small business before they find your competition.

Keep Your Website Fresh

Today’s consumer relies heavily on the web to find the information needed to make decisions. A website is often a consumer’s first impression of that business, so it’s crucial to make it a good one. A stale website will not impress your customers and gives off an unprofessional vibe. Consumers who are on the fence may look at a website or a social media page multiple times, so make sure to have new information to see to make their experience a better one.

Content marketing is one of the most low-cost and effective ways you can drive traffic and build awareness for your small business.  Work to create content that attracts, acquires and engages your target audience.  It may take some time to see the results, but don’t give up.  Stick with your content marketing strategy and continue to refine it and it will lead your small business to great success.

Typing Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "4 Reasons Your Small Business Needs Content Marketing" was first published on Small Business Trends

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