Thursday, January 5, 2017

If You Believe, You Can Achieve — 40 Affirmations for Small Business Owners

If You Believe, You Can Achieve -- 40 Business Affirmations for Small Business Owners

Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”  His famous quote gets at the heart of the concept of an affirmation: the notion that it is our beliefs about ourselves that determine who we really are and what we can achieve.

Here’s how you make affirmations work in your life.  Study the list below and select an affirmation that speaks to you.  Maybe it resolves a problem you’re facing.  Maybe it addresses something about yourself that you’ve always wanted to change.  Pick your affirmation and say it to yourself first thing in the morning.  Repeat it at several predetermined times throughout the day – when you take a mid-morning walk, stop for lunch, or just before you wrap up to leave your office.  Then repeat it right before you go to sleep.  Do this every day for thirty days.

The key is that you must mean it.  You must believe in your affirmation.  It will be hard to believe at the beginning of your thirty days, but as the month progresses, you’ll discover that you’re actually beginning to behave the way you’re conditioning yourself to act.  Find your affirmation and put it to work!

Business Affirmations

  1. I am a top performer.
  2. Success and achievement naturally come to me.
  3. I always do better than I did yesterday.
  4. All my thoughts and efforts lead me to the success I desire.
  5. There is an opportunity in everything that presents itself to me.
  6. Obstacles and challenges strengthen me.
  7. I choose to be happy.  I choose to be healthy.
  8. I love what I do.
  9. I have the best company in the world.
  10. I succeed with ease.  I succeed with grace.
  11. I attract success.  I attract happiness.
  12. I always do a little more than expected.
  13. I always do a lot more than expected.
  14. I love being positive.
  15. I sell my ideas because I believe in my ideas.
  16. Every day I improve.
  17. Everything I need to be successful is available to me.
  18. I celebrate my successes.
  19. I am happy.  I am successful.  I am fulfilled.
  20. I can achieve any result I want when I put my mind to it.
  21. Productivity is about working smarter, and that’s what I do.
  22. I am persistent in all that I do.
  23. Every day I’m more confident in myself.
  24. Successful people are attracted to me.
  25. Supportive people are attracted to me.
  26. I find solutions.
  27. I am always in the right place and right time because this is the only place and the only time.
  28. I am destined to achieve what I want to achieve.
  29. I am serving a higher purpose.
  30. I powerfully envision what I want.
  31. I track my goals and cross out the ones I achieve every day.
  32. I release pessimism and doubt about achieving my goals.
  33. I visualize the results and benefits of my goals.
  34. I am firmly on the path of achievement
  35. I always achieve my goals on time.
  36. I enjoy the challenge of achieving my goals.
  37. I plan my work and work my plan.
  38. I have the power, the intelligence, and the capability to achieve any goal.
  39. I am a lean, mean, goal-achieving machine.
  40. I will transform obstacles into opportunities with grace and creativity.

Most people are skeptical of affirmations.  They think there’s no possible way that simply repeating words can make a difference, but they couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, words are how we shape the world around us, and looking yourself in the eye in the mirror and telling yourself that you’re going to become the person you want to be is taking a giant step toward shaping your own future and fortune.

Affirmation Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "If You Believe, You Can Achieve — 40 Affirmations for Small Business Owners" was first published on Small Business Trends

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