Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Social Media Etiquette Should Define Not Defame Your Brand

Social Media Etiquette Should Define Not Defame Your Brand

What are your social media etiquette rules?
Do you have them for your community on the media where you engage them in discussions?

The past few Presidential elections really opened our eyes as to how important it is to create rules and content boundaries and how to use settings to control and enforce them.

It was during those months that people, who were “friends and connections” really showed some colors many did not care for. It is up to us to control and filter and determine who we want on our sites and what content we will allow.

I see way too much unwanted, unsolicited and non-permission based activity that only aggravates people rather than attracts them.

Social Content you should NEVER Use or Allow

  1. Profanity does not make anyone stand out or make their point have more impact. In fact, it puts into question their judgement and stature. People who choose to use profanity in any inappropriate way are at risk. A clever, witty, dry comment rules over profanity any day.
  2. Hate-ism or Misanthropy is a general dislike of humankind and says far more about the person than the group they disdain and doesn’t articulate intelligence in any way.
  3. Discrimination is a limiting mindset in general that can be applied to many ethnic groups. It is disrespectful, demeaning and creates bad energy and karma.
  4. Negativism is fatiguing. We don’t always like people, places and things but we need to work on  some acceptance, find the silver lining, stop complaining and be a part of the solution not the problem.
  5. Sales Spam on others’ Facebook and social pages to sell your stuff without permission is not acceptable. We need to forge relationships based on permission and mutuality not assumption. Please no mass sales letters if we haven’t agreed to this.

Social Content Etiquette You Should ALWAYS Encourage

  1. Diversity and points of view that are intelligent, informative and thoughtful.
  2. Tolerance and kindness for people’s diversity no matter what color, creed or nationality they are.
  3. Ethnic and generational inclusiveness that blends all our ages and stages in life.
  4. Appropriate humor that makes us smile and shows your “sense” of humor.
  5. An optimism and hope that no matter what, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that your experiences can benefit others.
  6. Educational, inspiring and informative ideas that help people grow and understand things better.

Social media allows us an amazing public platform to freely express, connect and share. Sadly, it can still often be used with bad intent and for the wrong reasons.

Set your rules and boundaries and use your social etiquette to define your brand not defame it.

Trolling Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Social Media Etiquette Should Define Not Defame Your Brand" was first published on Small Business Trends

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