Friday, January 27, 2017

What’s the Oldest Business in Your State? (Infographic)

What's the Oldest Business in Your State? (Infographic)

Think your small business has staying power? It might. But it probably isn’t quite as impressive as some of the small businesses included on an infographic created by Busy Beaver Button Co.

The infographic shows the oldest businesses in each state. Many of them have been around for centuries. And in some cases, they’re even older than the country itself.

Even with all of that staying power, many of the businesses included on the map have remained small through the years. So the owners have been able to maintain control of their operations or in some case even keep the business in their own family.

One such family business is the St. John Milling Company in Tennessee, a mill that specializes in providing various supplies to farmers. The mill was built by Jeremia Dungan over 200 years ago, and is still owned by family members today.

Another small business that has actually maintained just one location for its long history is the Bale of Hay Saloon in Virginia City, Montana. The microbrewery includes an “authentic Old West” experience and is currently operated by two sisters.

The oldest business on the whole list is Virginia’s Shirley Plantation. It’s a working plantation that has been around since 1613. In addition, the plantation still serves as the family’s home and is a registered historic landmark.

There are also some larger businesses and recognizable brand names like Jim Beam included on the list. But small companies are strongly represented, showing just how possible it is to keep a successful business around for the long haul, even if you want to keep it small.

What's the Oldest Business in Your State? (Infographic)

Images: Busy Beaver Button Co.

This article, "What’s the Oldest Business in Your State? (Infographic)" was first published on Small Business Trends

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