Monday, February 13, 2017

Entrepreneurs, Ruggie Alarm Clock Seeks to Wake You Earlier

Entrepreneurs, Ruggie Alarm Clock Floor Mat Seeks to Wake You Earlier

Everyone has the same 24 hours each day, but it is the efficient use of that time that allows you to do more. The Ruggie alarm clock floor mat has ingeniously applied smart technology to attempt to solve that problem. By taking the time-zapping snooze button out of the equation, Ruggie gets your mornings off on the right foot — actually it is both feet.

According to the creators of Ruggie, the snooze button is used at least three times by one third of adults. And each snooze takes you into another potential sleep cycle, making you groggy thus much less prone to up and get yourself going.

Ruggie is a memory foam ‘smart rug’ with an integrated alarm clock that will continue to sound until you stand on it for three seconds — you can increase the time if you need more than three seconds. Once you are up, it will play the motivational quotes you program into it as a reward.

The alarm on the Ruggie is loud, with sounds of 90-120 decibels, and because it needs the pressure of your weight to turn it off, you have to stand on it.

The Ruggie has an LED display in the top right corner that doubles as a night light for setting the time, alarm and sounds.

Entrepreneurs, Ruggie Alarm Clock Floor Mat Seeks to Wake You Earlier

The motivational messages are downloaded on the rug through a USB port, and it will play automatically when the alarm shuts off. If you wish, the message can be replaced with a reminder for the day or your favorite songs.

Entrepreneurs, Ruggie Alarm Clock Floor Mat Seeks to Wake You Earlier

The Ruggie is powered with only three AAA batteries, and it is machine washable once you take the electronics out of it.

This may be a helpful idea for entrepreneurs seeking to become earlier risers and boost their productivity. raised $461,679 Canadian (US $353,045) on Kickstarter. And the gadget is available for $99 through the company’s website.

Image: Windustries Limited

This article, "Entrepreneurs, Ruggie Alarm Clock Seeks to Wake You Earlier" was first published on Small Business Trends

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