Friday, March 31, 2017

How Has Obamacare Affected Your Small Business? (POLL)

 How Has Obamacare Affected Your Small Business To Date?

It looks like, intentions aside, small businesses will be stuck with Obamacare for a while yet.

After failure to get enough votes in the U.S. House to repeal and replace the legislation, the Trump administration worked to reassure business leaders last week.

But for now, Obamacare stays. So what we’d like to ask the small business community is this …

How Has Obamacare Affected Your Small Business To Date?

To be sure there have been winners and losers, and different sized companies have probably felt the impact to varying degrees. So if you had to give your personal story and that of your business, what would you say?

You could say it has affected your small business:

Very positively: I have been able to provide benefits for myself and my employees that I was not able to provide before.

Somewhat positively: I have been able to save somewhat on benefits for myself and my employees compared to before Obamacare.

Not Much: My business hasn’t been affected at all since I already had a package in place that has remained unchanged or the number of employees in my business falls below the number requiring mandatory coverage.

Somewhat negatively: I either had insurance coverage in place for my employees and am now paying more, have been forced to supply insurance that is now cutting into my profits or am paying penalties for not providing.

Very negatively: The cost of the insurance mandate has severely cut into my business revenue to the point that I am now looking at closing my doors.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

Obama Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "How Has Obamacare Affected Your Small Business? (POLL)" was first published on Small Business Trends

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