Saturday, October 28, 2017

10 Ways to Grow Your Small Business Without Making Major Changes

Not every change you make in your business has to be a major one. Even small adjustments can make a big difference over the long run — especially if you’re making the right changes. Members of the online small business community have plenty of experience growing businesses with these small changes. So they also have plenty of advice to share. Check out some top tips below.

Share Your Brand’s Positive Attributes with a Responsive Website

The design of your website can go a long way toward showing customers what your brand is all about. And a responsive website can help you make a great impression right away, according to an Above Creative post by Linda Ella.

Learn the Best Ways to Analyze Performance

Analyzing the performance of your team and operations as a whole is an important part of making sure your business is on the right track. But there are a lot of different ways you can use to do this. In a recent Process Street post, Ben Mulholland explains the difference between productivity and efficiency, and how you should go about measuring performance.

Find Anything with These Search Operator Hacks

You need the best information at your disposal if you want to build a successful business. And search engines can be a great source of information — if you know how to use them. These search operator hacks from Sarah Hayes on the 21 Handshake blog can help. And you can also see thoughts on the post over on BizSugar.

Solve These Big Problems with Your Sales Communication

There are a lot of things that can go wrong when you’re trying to sell directly to customers. And some problems are bigger than others. In a recent Target Marketing post, Jeff Molander details two of the biggest problems businesses are likely to face with their sales strategies, along with some suggestions for combating those issues.

Make Your Business Trip a Vacation

Traveling for business isn’t always fun and relaxing. But as a business owner, taking a break and having some fun can be just as important to your long-term success as closing that big deal or attending that major conference. So Pamela Swift of suggests some ways you can turn your next business trip into a vacation.

Use These Staging Secrets to Improve Your Next Business Event

When you’re organizing an event for your business, every little detail matters. And that includes how you set up the stage. For more on how you can improve your next event with staging, check out this Biz Epic post by Ivan Widjaya.

Don’t Destroy Your Brand’s Reputation

As a small brand, your reputation can be your biggest asset — or your biggest liability. To avoid destroying your brand’s reputation, check out these steps to avoid from Sam Hurley of Post Funnel. Then see what BizSugar members are saying about the post.

Let Customers Drive Your Email Cadence

A lot goes into creating the perfect email marketing strategy, including considering how often to send out emails. But in some cases, it might be best to actually let your customers indicate to you how often they want to receive those communications. Len Shneyder elaborates in a recent Marketing Land post.

Consider These SEO Tips for Beginners

SEO is constantly evolving. So it’s difficult to build a perfect strategy right away. Instead, focus on some small things to get started on the right path. The beginner SEO tips in this Search Engine Journal post by Dan Taylor may be able to help.

Don’t Be Overwhelmed by Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising can open up plenty of opportunities for businesses. But all of those opportunities can sometimes get overwhelming. To avoid that fate, read the tips in this Content Marketing Institute post by Karola Karlson.

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Calculating Cost Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Ways to Grow Your Small Business Without Making Major Changes" was first published on Small Business Trends

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