Saturday, January 20, 2018

10 Suggestions to Help You Add to Your Marketing Toolkit

It takes a lot of hard work to effectively market a small business. But you don’t have to do it all on your own. It helps to have a fully stocked marketing toolkit full of apps, platforms and strategies. Here are 10 suggestions from members of the online small business community for tools and concepts to add to your marketing toolkit.

Check Out These Insanely Effective Chrome Extensions for Marketers

Marketing help can come in unlikely places — even in your web browser. If you use Chrome, there are plenty of extensions to make your online marketing tasks easier. Asi Dayan points out some of them in a recent post on

Attract Local Customers with Google Maps

Google has plenty of outlets that can benefit your marketing efforts. But one that can sometimes get overlooked is Maps. In a recent post on the Abtech Blog, Amit Chauhan offers some tips for using Google Maps to attract customers in your local community.

Make Use of WhatsApp Business Profiles

Popular chat app WhatsApp just launched new profiles specifically for businesses. This means that your company could now better utilize this type of technology to communicate with customers. Tim Peterson elaborates in a recent Marketing Land post.

Learn from This Guide to Buyer Personas

If you want to sell more, you need to know who you’re selling to. That’s where buyer personas come in. You can learn more in this beginner’s guide to buyer personas from Adam Heitzman on the Search Engine Journal blog.

Don’t Overreact to the Recent Facebook News

Facebook’s recent announcement of another updated algorithm sent waves of panic through the small business community. But it might actually not be as big of a deal as it seems, argues Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media. You can also see commentary from the BizSugar community on the new changes.

Run an SEO Website Audit

No matter how great your website looks and functions, it’s not going to help your business if no one visits. SEO can help in that area, but you have to know where to start. To get an idea of your starting point and to find areas for improvement, check out this post from Neil Patel.

Use These Tools to Hire Great Content Creators

If you want to step up your content marketing efforts, it can help to hire some great content creators. And you don’t have to go through the hiring process on your own. The tools in this Content Marketing Institute post by Catalin Zorzini can help.

Step Up Your Productivity with These Apps

If you want to get more done for your business, whether it’s in marketing or another area, there are plenty of apps and tools that can help. A recent Right Mix Marketing post by Peter Davidson includes some productivity apps to help you do just that.

Start a Blog for Free

You’ve probably already heard how much a blog can help with your small business marketing. But did you know that it can also be a very cost effective strategy? Mike Allton of the Social Media Hat explains how you can start a blog for free a recent post. And BizSugar members share thoughts on the post as well.

Learn the Psychology of Modern Mobile Advertising

For many businesses, online advertising isn’t enough anymore. You have to target mobile consumers with your advertising efforts. And it can help to look into the psychology of those consumers. Learn more in a recent Noobpreneur post by Ivan Widjaya.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

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This article, "10 Suggestions to Help You Add to Your Marketing Toolkit" was first published on Small Business Trends

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