Saturday, January 22, 2022

10 Tips for Adjusting Your Business Strategies to Meet the Demands of Modern Consumers

adjusting your small business strategies

Businesses can and should update their strategies as needed throughout the year. However, the start of a new year is often a natural place to evaluate your need for changes. The past year saw many tech advances and changing customer sentiments that could affect businesses. Members of the online small business community share tips for adjusting below.

Check Out These Web Development Trends for 2022

The online world is constantly shifting with new tech innovations. So businesses need to keep up with these improved capabilities to provide the best possible experience to customers. If you’re looking to improve your web presence in 2022, check out the trends in this Mind Inventory post by Kiran Malvi.

Make Money on Instagram

Instagram is likely to continue to be a powerful business tool in 2022. But the platform has recently introduced new features to help businesses make money directly on the app. This post by Corrie Alexander on the Work at Home Woman blog explores some strategies.

Add Outsourcing to Your Small Business Strategy

The gig economy has added more opportunities for both remote workers and businesses. Small business owners that want to get more done have a larger pool of candidates to choose from when outsourcing certain functions. Lisa Sicard of Small Biz Tipster explains why outsourcing is such a powerful strategy in this post.

Get Your Branding Right

Social and tech trends come and go. But a solid brand is always an important element of running a business. However, many companies struggle with branding. So Marissa Perez lays out how to get your branding right in this New Horizons 123 post.

Move Away from Ad Tracking

Ad tracking involves gathering information about consumers to create more targeted advertising experiences. However, many consumers are not on board with this practice. So Gee Ranasinha of Kexino argues the practice should end. See what BizSugar members think in this discussion.

Automate Sales Processes

Automation makes businesses more efficient. And the technology behind these software programs is constantly improving. If you’re still operating your sales processes manually, 2022 may be the perfect time to make a change. Learn your software options in this MarketSplash post by Darya Jandossova Troncoso.

Make the Most of Employee Advocacy on Social Media

Today’s consumers care about how businesses treat their employees. So if your team actively advocates for your brand on social media, it can make a major impact. Learn more about employee advocacy and why it matters for businesses in this Benchmark One post by Nina Petrov.

Keep Employees Engaged

One way to create more active employee advocates is by engaging employees at work. Employee engagement trends have dramatically shifted with the changing workforce. So read this Cooleaf post by Chelsia Durkee to learn how to engage your team in 2022.

Learn About Freelance Writing Agencies

Freelance writing agencies can help both writers and businesses. It’s becoming easier to find qualified writers due to increased remote workers. And some entrepreneurs may even want to start their own agencies. This Wording Well post includes an interview with David Leonhardt about freelance writing agencies. And the BizSugar community chimed in with their own thoughts here.

Consider Virtual Vs. Physical Events

Many events have switched to virtual over the past two years. But some companies are now starting to go back to in-person models. There are pros and cons to each. So each business must choose the best options for their needs. Learn more in this Small Biz Viewpoints post by Harry and Sally Vaishnav.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "10 Tips for Adjusting Your Business Strategies to Meet the Demands of Modern Consumers" was first published on Small Business Trends

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