Sunday, January 16, 2022

Zoho Helps JB Music Therapy Integrate Its Operations

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Business integration serves as a key catalyst for growth among today’s organizations, allowing them to take command of processes, people, technology and data, thereby boosting growth and competition.

By integrating other business tools with their CRM systems, companies can streamline their business processes and operations. JB Music Therapy has harnessed the tools available from Zoho One to integrate its operations.  

What does JB Music Therapy do?

Located in Calgary, Canadian JB Music Therapy consists of a team of certified music therapists (MTAs) who collaborate, design and personalize therapy plans with their clients to help achieve goals including boosted mood, decreased stress, improved speech, increased focus, advanced learning, reduced anxiety and recovered memories. The company was founded by certified music therapist Jennifer Buchanan.

“We have a team of 21 ,” Buchanan explained. “Every therapist commutes to a variety of locations throughout the day and the week, including online, in order to provide music therapy services. We also sell products such as books that explain what music therapy is. In addition, to these products and services I offer coaching to other health entrepreneurs who are building their private practices in the community and presentations to teams and conferences.”

JB Music Therapy presentations are provided in form of keynotes and seminars that educate the public on what music therapy is and how music can improve everyone’s mental health. 

“Everything we do revolves around music,” Buchanan explained. “But we disperse that information in a variety of different ways. As certified music therapists… we are trained to use very specific techniques with our clients that establish a relationship to help them reach their goals.”

What is the business niche?

JB Music Therapy relates to the healthcare private practice and business niche.

“I would say our niche is music therapy within complex healthcare organizations serving individuals who would benefit from our services,” Buchanan said.

How did the business start?

Buchanan founded JB Music Therapy 30 years ago when she was fresh out of university. 

“I graduated as a young music therapist, and there were no jobs,” explained. “I was the 133rd music therapist in Canada, and employment was scarce.”

Buchanan loves working within her community, so starting a private practice seemed like the logical solution. 

“The only way I was going to be able to do this purpose-driven work was to create my own path,” she said. 

What Zoho products are you using?

JB Music Therapy is using a variety of Zoho tools in conjunction with CRM, including Forms, Campaigns, Survey, Sign, Checkout and Flow. In 2022, the company plans to begin using Projects, as well. 

“Everything is so integrated now,” Buchanan explained. “Although [music therapy] is the focus of our work, it’s our systems management that allows us to be able to do that successfully. And Zoho gave us a level of automation and systems that we had been missing for a long time.”

Biggest wins?

According to Buchanan, JB Music Therapy’s biggest win with Zoho has been the integration of various processes with Zoho One applications. 

“It’s the fact that everything is integrated and takes you back into the CRM,” she said. “That’s exactly what we needed.”

“In our world, it’s really wonderful for us to be able to go to one place and be able to have all of our client management in a safe, secure place,” Buchanan added. “We’re able to do all of our campaigning and let people know when our new programs are available so that they can register for those programs through the same system. Now it all flows for us. We’re also doing our social media directly through Zoho applications.”

Biggest challenge?

Before relying on Zoho One, Buchanan spent a lot of time searching for information, which was the biggest challenge she wanted to overcome with new software.

“I had to go searching, and as a business owner who’s very busy, having to search for even the simplest thing is really frustrating and takes up unnecessary time,” Buchanan said. 

How did Zoho help?

Zoho applications saved Buchanan valuable time that she needed as a business owner. The tools also helped her better delegate tasks and processes to other staff, assigning tools so they can become experts in that domain, while still providing her the oversight she needs as a business leader.

“I have one staff member who does our social, one staff member who does our campaigns, and one that’s really getting great at the flow in our forms. I can still see everything and approve everything, and delegate,” she said.

Future plans?

Buchanan says her future plans for JB Music Therapy’s use of Zoho is to continue learning the Zoho One environment and improving her understanding of all its features.

“Each of these apps is pretty layered,” she said. “I’m sure there is much more to learn within each of the apps. I want to ensure we keep learning every aspect of the different apps themselves.”

Specifically, Buchanan wants to ensure she is maximizing the available Zoho integration opportunities.

“I want to ensure that we’re maximizing this integration that I’m cheerleading about,” she said.

 “The reason why I love the concept of Projects is because that’s going to help our team work towards our bigger organizational goals, which will include new partners we’re wanting to bring into the company. So once this thing we call COVID is over, and we can start growing, I look forward to how Zoho will help amplify our growth further.”

Image: zoho

This article, "Zoho Helps JB Music Therapy Integrate Its Operations" was first published on Small Business Trends

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