Thursday, October 27, 2016

Visuals Vital to Captivating Content

Visuals are critical to creating content that attracts and captivates your prospects. Here are three visual content ideas to get you started.

The power of visuals within the context of content marketing cannot be overstated. In fact, so important is the presence of visuals with your blog posts, content strategies and marketing campaigns that, moving forward, it would be in everyone’s interest to have visuals dominate marketing strategy.

Visuals have the capacity to grab user attention in a faster, more effective manner than a block of text. That’s why it should come as no surprise that content with relevant images gets 94 percent more views, and that colored visuals increase reader willingness to read a piece of content by 80 percent. More and more, emphasis is being placed on reaching users by creating visual content.

Visuals are critical to creating content that attracts and captivates your prospects. Here are three visual content ideas to get you started.

As the holidays approach and your content marketing efforts ramp up, try mixing in more visuals. Here are a few ideas on how to get started.

Visual Content Ideas

Create an Infographic

If you have a piece of content that’s dense with facts, statistics and research, you can easily turn some of that into an infographic. Infographics are a great way to condense heavy material into more manageable pieces. Ninety percent of the information the brain receives is visual, which is why infographics tend to perform so well. Plus, they’re easy to create using online tools such as Canva.

Bring More Color to Your Website and Posts

The color harmony, theme and representation on your website and in your posts can really make a difference in how users respond to your pages, interact with your website, and how much time they spend there. Customers form an opinion about products within 90 seconds, and research has shown that anywhere from 62 to 90 percent of that impression is determined by color alone. Make sure your use of color is consistent, effective, and deliberate.

Populate Posts with Relevant Images

If you’re talking about a specific process or trying to explain something to users, posting visual examples can really help. For example, if you’re demonstrating how to use a certain tool, you can take screenshots to walk users through the process (like this!). Or if you’re commenting on a specific event or piece elsewhere online, you can provide a visual point of reference within your own piece.

The bottom line is that visuals have become more of a necessity rather than just a good idea. In order to remain competitive and compelling among users, try implementing the use of visuals into your content strategy.

Photographer Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Visuals Vital to Captivating Content" was first published on Small Business Trends

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