Monday, November 28, 2016

Apparel Brand Uses Virtual Reality to Tell Its Story

A Toronto apparel company uses virtual reality fundraising to show customers how their purchases impact the world in a positive way.

There are lots of brands out there that pledge to give back to good causes. But it’s rare that customers actually get to see first hand what kind of an impact their purchase makes. That’s where GIMME360 is trying to make a change. And it’s doing it through the use of virtual reality.

GIMME360 is a Toronto based apparel brand that partners with charities like 1001fontaines to bring clean water to developing countries. And instead of just trusting that the money from your purchase is going to help people in need, GIMME360 wants you to actually see it.

Virtual Reality Fundraising

Each sweatshirt or other apparel item includes a GIMME360 logo that you can tap with your smartphone to access immersive, 360-degree footage of communities around the world where the money from your purchase is going. This lets people more fully understand the impact of their purchase and can potentially even get more people to buy apparel from the company as a way of giving back.

This is a really unique way of using virtual reality to tell a story that’s pertinent to consumers. Since the technology is so new and constantly evolving, many businesses are still unsure about how to use it effectively. But this company is offering just one example of how to show their social responsibility in a really unique way.

Currently, GIMME360 is raising money through a Kickstarter campaign to get the apparel brand off the ground. As of November 17, the company has more than $10,000 pledged toward its goal of $14,884. You can see the company’s full story in the video below.

Image: Gimme360

This article, "Apparel Brand Uses Virtual Reality to Tell Its Story" was first published on Small Business Trends

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