Saturday, December 10, 2016

10 Ways to Increase Your Small Business Sales

Want to make more sales for your small business in 2017? There are many different paths you can take to increase your business’s sales. And members of our small business community have lots of great experience to share when it comes to those selling techniques. Here are ten tips for increasing sales in 2017.

Increase Sales With These Holiday Marketing Tactics

The holidays can be a great opportunity for you to increase sales for your small business. And with the marketing tips listed in this ONTRAPORT blog post by Megan Monroe, you can learn how to make more sales this holiday season and in the new year.

Simplify Your Content Strategy

Content marketing can be a great way for you to increase sales for your business. But fancy strategies can sometimes distract you from the real purpose of your content. Instead, this post by Christelle Macri on the Nimble blog suggests some ways you can simplify your content strategy.

Master the Art of the Upsell

When selling to customers, it’s often preferable to get them to buy more or to buy an upgraded version of the product they’re looking to purchase. That’s where upselling comes in. This Fundera post by Eric Goldschein details how you can master the art of the upsell. And the BizSugar community shares thoughts on the post here.

Nurture Leads With Online Forms

The sales process doesn’t have to be complicated if you have the right tools at your disposal. Online forms can actually be an effective way to nurture leads and make sales. Here’s a guide to nurturing leads using online forms from Rohan Ayyar on the RightMix Marketing blog.

Avoid These Conversion Rate Optimization Mistakes

When converting customers, whether it’s from your blog, website or another format, there are some really common mistakes that small businesses tend to make. To avoid those common mistakes, check out this post by Stephen Moyers on Basic Blog Tips.

Use These Transaction Models to Shape Your Customer Experience

The customer experience is a very important consideration for businesses looking to increase sales. Here are some transaction models you might consider as you shape your customer experience from Martin Zwilling on the Startup Professionals Musings blog. And you can also see commentary from BizSugar members here.

Increase Your Personal Effectiveness

If you want your business strategies to be more effective, then you need to work on your own personal effectiveness first. This post by Blair Evan Ball of Prepare1 includes some tips for increasing your personal effectiveness in order to support your business.

Set Smart Business Goals

Whether you want to increase sales or accomplish other things for your small business in the new year, it all starts with your goals. Setting smart goals can mean the difference between success and failure. To learn more about setting smart goals, check out this Nutcache post by Sebastien Boyer.

Write Effective Headlines and Titles

If you’re going to use content marketing or any type of written copy to market your business and increase sales, you need to be able to write great headlines and titles. This Buzz and Tips post by Steve Williams includes tips for creating effective headlines. And BizSugar members also comment on the post here.

Come Up With Ideas for Your Business Video Campaign

Video can be a great format for increasing small business sales. But you need great ideas before you can make those videos actually work for your business. This Noobpreneur post by Ivan Widjaya features some tips for coming up with those video ideas.

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Cash Register photo via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Ways to Increase Your Small Business Sales" was first published on Small Business Trends

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