Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Amazon Go Store Eliminates Need for Check Out Lines (Watch)

No one loves waiting in long checkout lines. But customers might not have to worry about those lengthy waits much longer. Amazon just introduced a new store concept called Amazon Go that eliminates the need for lines — or any real checkout process at all.

Here’s how it works. Customers enter the store using their account on the free Amazon mobile app. Then as they shop, the store uses cameras and sensors to detect which items they pick up and/or put down. And those items are added to their virtual carts. When they leave the store, their Amazon account is charged for those purchases.

The Next Retail Automation Trend?

Though there has been criticism for the new store model since it basically eliminates the need for cashiers, it’s a very ambitious project. The company is essentially using artificial intelligence to create a new shopping experience. And whether you love or hate this specific idea, it does show just how much is possible with the use of automation and new tech tools.

The Amazon Go store is located in Seattle. And for now, it’s only open to Amazon employees. The company says it won’t open to the public until next year.

Image: Amazon

This article, "Amazon Go Store Eliminates Need for Check Out Lines (Watch)" was first published on Small Business Trends

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