Friday, December 2, 2016

Businesses Take a Lesson From — Comic Books?

Crossover Business Cartoon

Being a cartoonist, I’m obviously a big fan of comics. I’ve been reading Spider-Man forever. I loved the old animated Batman stuff. And I’m even enjoying the most recent Betty & Veronica book. So I’ve seen my share of crossover events.

You know — a character shows up in an issue of another comic, inches the plot forward, and, surprise, you’ll have to find out what happens next in the next issue of another comic that you probably don’t normally read. Ugh …

Anyway, one day I was thinking about crossover events and it occurred to me that it’s the comics equivalent of a merger and this cartoon presented itself.

Tune in next week to find out what happens next!

This article, "Businesses Take a Lesson From — Comic Books?" was first published on Small Business Trends

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