Friday, December 2, 2016

Latest Product Innovation: Sweeter Chocolate — That’s Better for You? (Watch)

Love chocolate? Well, you’re in luck. Nestle (VTX:NESN) has reportedly found a way to change the structure of chocolate to make it even sweeter. And as a result, the company should be able to make some of its most popular candy bars with less added sugar. That means Kit Kats, Butterfingers and other popular chocolate bars could soon get a bit healthier.

This innovation comes at a good time for the company. Some countries and cities around the world are implementing sugar taxes and even special labeling rules for sugary foods. So the new sweeter chocolate could allow Nestle to avoid some of those issues that impact food items with a lot of added sugar.

It’s important for food companies to find ways to adapt to new rules and standards like this. But changing the actual structure of chocolate can’t have been easy. The company now has to implement a whole new chocolate making process for all of its foods.

Trend Driven Innovation Pays Off

However, when you have some popular products that people don’t want to see changed, you might have to get really creative when coming up with ways to adapt your products to new rules and trends. People probably wouldn’t be happy if Kit Kats all of a sudden were just not as sweet. But if this new process keeps the product more or less the same, just with different processes and ingredients, it could be well worth it for the company.

Brownies Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Latest Product Innovation: Sweeter Chocolate — That’s Better for You? (Watch)" was first published on Small Business Trends

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