Saturday, April 8, 2017

10 Tips to Build the Perfect Business Machine

Want to take your business to the next level? There are tons of different ways you can give your business a boost through unique strategies like gamification and using various online platforms to boost brand loyalty. From pitching your idea to growing that idea to unparalleled success, here are 10 tips to build the perfect business machine.

Build Brand Loyalty Through Amazon

Amazon is a popular platform for eCommerce sellers. And it can also be a powerful way to create some brand loyalty among your customers, if you use it correctly. In this post on the Social Annex blog, Prasad Dhamdhere shares some ways you can use Amazon to build brand loyalty.

Consider Gamification for Your Next Event

For businesses that hold events, adding some interest or unique activities can be essential to getting the most out of them. And that’s where gamification comes in. This Pathable post by Lindsay Martin-Bilbrey includes more information about adding gamification features to your next event.

Use These Social Media Advertising Tips and Tricks

Chances are, you already use some type of social media to market your business. But you can also use ads on those platforms to make an even bigger impact, especially with the tips and tricks featured in this MyBlogU post by Ann Smarty.

Improve Customer Retention With Social Media

Social media can also be a great way for you to boost your customer retention. This Social Media Examiner post by Small Business Trends chief strategy officer Tamar Weinberg explains how you can use social media for this purpose. And BizSugar members discuss the concept further here.

Learn How to Pitch a Complex Business

If the concept behind your business isn’t one that people are already familiar with, then it might seem like a challenge to explain your business to potential partners or investors. That’s why you need to learn how to pitch a complex business. Check out this post by Ramon Ray for more.

Use These Tips to Handle Adversity in the Office

No matter how hard you work to avoid it, there’s a good chance that you’ll experience some adversity in your small business office at some point. So you need to learn how to deal with that adversity. The tips in this CorpNet post by Nellie Akalp can help.

Reach More Mobile Customers

Reaching mobile customers isn’t just about ensuring that your website and marketing materials are viewable on mobile devices. You also need to create messaging that’s relevant to those customers. This RightMix Marketing post by Andrew Gazdecki details how you can do just that.

Consider These Key Issues Before Incorporating Chat Bots

Chat bots offer a unique opportunity for small businesses to provide customer service and other personalized communications without expending tons of extra resources. But there are some key things to consider before integrating them. Ivan Widjaya of SMB CEO discusses more in this post.

Know the Four Levels of Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. There are different levels of brand loyalty, which Dave Taylor details in this Taylor Brand Group post. You can also see commentary on the post over on BizSugar.

Don’t Ignore Baby Boomers in Your Marketing

Millennials are all the rage when it comes to targeting marketing campaigns. But baby boomers can still be an attractive target to a lot of businesses. This Target Marketing post by Sue Yasav goes into more detail.

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Machine photo via Shutterstock

This article, "10 Tips to Build the Perfect Business Machine" was first published on Small Business Trends

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