Sunday, April 9, 2017

Five Ways Small Businesses Can Target Mother’s Day Shoppers (INFOGRAPHIC)

Five Ways Small Businesses Can Target Mother's Day Shoppers (INFOGRAPHIC)

Mother’s Day is fast-approaching in the U.S. With 87 percent of Americans celebrating the holiday, the savviest of small businesses selling Mother’s Day orientated products and services are wisely already starting to market this annual celebration of Moms.

If you’re a small business involved in Mother’s Day in some shape or form, check out the following five ways small businesses can target Mother’s Day shoppers, using data from Bing’s ‘Celebrating Modern Moms’ infographic.

How to Target Mother’s Day Shoppers

Market Mother’s Day to a Digital Audience

With 27 percent of Mother’s Day shoppers making their purchases digitally, it is crucial small businesses with a Mother’s Day should market and sell their wares online.

And given the prolific use of the internet for consumer research and purchases, small businesses should unquestionably be marketing their products and services there.

Make Sure Your Site is Mobile Responsive

Is your business website mobile responsive? With 45 percent of Mother’s Day searches made on a mobile device, ensuring your website is user-friendly and attractive on mobile devices will help you target the prolific number of Mother’s Day consumers who like to shop for products whilst on the go.

Promote Special Mother’s Day Offers

With 34 percent of all of Bing’s Mother’s Day searches being devoted to jewelry, 19 percent of searches to cards and 17 percent to flowers, it stands to reason the internet is a fundamental source for searching and purchasing Mother’s Day gifts.

In order to outdistance the competition, why not announce special offers on these items? Mother’s Day special offers could include the likes of free postage and packaging for cards, buy-one-get-one-free on jewelry items, or 20 percent off all Mother’s Day flowers.

Market to a Broad Target Audience

Moms come in a myriad of ages and types, including daughters, stepmothers, grandmothers and even great grandmothers. When targeting Mother’s Day shoppers, try to reach out to a broad demographic of shoppers. For example, target younger shoppers by offering more low-cost products and reach out to older Mother’s Day shoppers with more exquisite offers, such as a day at a spa or a facial for two.

Promote a Mother’s Day Hashtag

Reach out to Mother’s Day shoppers by promoting inventive hashtags via social media. Some of the most popular Mother’s Day hashtags in recent years have been the likes of #OnlyMomCan, #ChefMom and #Mommism. Think of your own personalised and unique Mother’s Day hashtag to generate discussion and interest in your brand ahead of Mother’s Day.

For more insights on Mother’s Day marketing and consumer search habits, check out Bing’s infographic below.

Five Ways Small Businesses Can Target Mother's Day Shoppers (INFOGRAPHIC)

Mother Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Five Ways Small Businesses Can Target Mother’s Day Shoppers (INFOGRAPHIC)" was first published on Small Business Trends

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