Thursday, July 6, 2017

Best 10 States for Online Business: Care to Guess No. 1?

Can You Guess the Best State for Online Businesses?

Virginia is the best state in the U.S. for online businesses. At least that’s what a recent study by business internet and phone provider Frontier Business found.

If you are wondering what exactly makes Virginia the best state for online businesses, balanced factors like technological infrastructures (broadband speed, access, business phone, business bundles, etc.) combined with economic climates, workforce education, and overall quality of life are listed as some of the factors determining ranking in each state and region of the U.S.

Best State for Online Businesses

According to Frontier Business, Virginia already has a reputation for being a good state for business. It ranked top for online businesses due to its technological capabilities and high quality workforce.

Washington came in second as the best state for online businesses with a higher than national average for median household income ($67,243 vs. $57,011 national average).

Third was Utah, dubbed “Silicon Slopes” and home to multi-million and billion dollar companies such as Domo, Qualtrics and Pluralsight. It was followed by Oregon ranked highly for its technological capabilities and commitment to internet access for all.

You might have expected California, home to Silicon Valley, to rank very highly or lead in internet opportunities — it narrowly cracked Frontier Business’ top five best states for online businesses.

“We found that, while great tech bases and solid workforces tend to go hand in hand, they also congregate in more expensive states,” wrote Frontier Business in a post on the company’s blog.

Top 10 Friendliest States for Online Business in 2017

Not every business can pick up and move to Virginia or Washington, but understanding the factors that determine the friendliest states for online business in the country can give you an indication of the business environment internet businesses should look out for to thrive.

Check out Frontier Business’s top ten friendliest states for online businesses in the infographic below:

Can You Guess the Best State for Online Businesses?

Frontier Business says its rankings were determined by cross-referencing each state’s broadband technology quality and accessibility with local business climate/expense outlooks, workforce demographics and education, median household incomes, and cost-of-living indexes.

US Map Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Best 10 States for Online Business: Care to Guess No. 1?" was first published on Small Business Trends

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