Saturday, December 16, 2017

10 Lessons to Learn So You Make Fewer Business Mistakes

5 Big Small Business Mistakes -- And How to Correct Them

Making mistakes is part of running a business. But some mistakes can be avoided if you’re willing to learn from others who have been there before, like members of the online small business community. Here are some lessons you can learn based on mistakes other entrepreneurs have made through the years.

Improve Your Data Quality Metrics

Whether you use data for recruiting or any other aspect of running your business, the quality of those metrics can be just as important as the quantity. In this Jobscience post, Joel Dipietro offers three ways you can improve your own data quality.

Avoid These Email and Social Media Marketing Pitfalls

Email and social media have been popular marketing techniques for years, meaning businesses have had plenty of time to make mistakes with these methods. If you want to avoid some of the most common pitfalls, check out this Basic Blog Tips post by Kevin Ocasio.

Learn the New Rules of Writing for the Web

Lots of entrepreneurs who have strong writing skills still don’t understand how to put together content for the web. There’s a new set of rules you need to abide by, as Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media explains. BizSugar members also shared commentary on the post.

Use These Local Search Tactics Your Competitors Aren’t Using

Lots of local businesses tend to use the same marketing methods as their competitors. But it’s hard to stand out that way. Instead, take a look at the local search tactics listed in a recent Search Engine Land post by Sherry Bonelli for some more original ideas.

Don’t Forget the Little Things When Testing

Running tests can help you gain valuable insights about your target customers. And you don’t have to get very complicated with your testing in order to benefit your business. In this Target Marketing post, Chuck McLeester discusses the importance of details when it comes to testing.

Keep an Eye on These Social Media Trends for 2018

It’s easy to fall into a rut when it comes to social media marketing. You might have found some tactics have worked for your business in the past. But that doesn’t mean they’ll continue to be effective as trends change. To keep up, see some of the upcoming social media trends in this Prepare 1 post by Blair Evan Ball.

Monitor These Web Design Trends

By that same token, it’s also important to keep an eye on trends in web design so you can update your own site accordingly. Learn some of the biggest trends for 2018 in a decent Crowdspring post by Amanda Bowman.

Help Your SEO Strategy by Avoiding These Website Mistakes

SEO is constantly changing. So it can be easy for entrepreneurs to make missteps in their own websites that can negatively impact search engine rankings. To avoid some of the biggest pitfalls, check out the advice from Neil Patel here.

Don’t Hire SEO Experts Who Tell You These Five Things

In order to help your SEO strategy, you might even consider hiring an SEO expert. But beware! Some SEO strategists are better than others. There are five claims in particular you should treat with extreme skepticism, according to Hilary Young in a recent Digital Success Post. You can also see what members of the BizSugar community had to say about the post.

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Lots of businesses use social media. But it can be easy to just go through the motions rather than having a plan that’s actually effective. Instead, learn how to use social media in a way that actually benefits your business in this Noobpreneur post by Ivan Widjaya.

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This article, "10 Lessons to Learn So You Make Fewer Business Mistakes" was first published on Small Business Trends

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