Monday, December 25, 2017

Business Productivity Only Drops 5% Between Christmas and New Year’s Day

Business Productivity During the Holidays Higher than Expected

There is a perception out there businesses slack during the last week of December, but how true is it? Egnyte wanted to find out, so it analyzed more than 3 billion activities from last year’s holiday week. The infographic the company created reveals the number is minimal, only five percent to be exact.

Business Productivity During the Holidays Higher than Expected

According to Egnyte, there were 60 million activities during the week of Christmas, while the rest of the year the weekly number was 63 million. A mere five percent decline. And if you were in healthcare, media and entertainment, education, and business services, it was the opposite. These industries experienced a 25 percent increase.

The last week of December, which includes Christmas and New Year’s is a time businesses give their employees a break. But it doesn’t mean these companies are not open. For many small business owners, it means running things without help if they have decided to give their employees time off.

Only a 5% Decline?

Egnyte reports one-third of all workers take the entire week of December 25th off. However, 64 percent of employees who take time off intend to check with the office. And when they do check, they are generally doing this with their smartphone.

Using their smartphones or other computing devices, Egnyte says employees are able to stay connected and collaborate no matter where they are. And when it comes to working remotely, Android users work 27 percent more than iOS users during the last week of the year.

This trend is backed in a recent survey by West Unified Communications Services. More than 600 full-time US employees took part, and up to 70 percent said they would work at least one day during the holidays remotely. Half of the respondents also indicated they plan to combine remote work with paid time off, while only 16 saying they would take paid time off.

Being able to work remotely has changed the working patterns of today’s workforce, which now includes the holidays. For small businesses looking to take advantage of this change, having the right solutions to make remote work possible is key. Egnyte and other companies provide a range of tools to bring your workforce together year round, not just during the holidays.

Here is the Egnyte infographic.

Business Productivity During the Holidays Higher than ExpectedImages: Egnyte

This article, "Business Productivity Only Drops 5% Between Christmas and New Year’s Day" was first published on Small Business Trends

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