Tuesday, December 5, 2017

#MetLifeSmallBiz Twitter Chat Breaks the Internet with Discussion on Business Culture

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#MetlifeSmallBiz Twitter Chat Breaks the Internet with Discussion on Small Business Culture

From shared values to the flexibility your employees crave and a rockin’ benefits package — there are many aspects to attracting great talent.

But keeping that talent is also a challenge, what with bigger enterprises often swooping in to recruit your best and brightest.

Maybe that’s why our latest MetLife Twitter Chat “Build Culture, Win Talent: Driving Small Business Success” Nov. 29, 2017 broke the Internet (sort of) becoming one of the highest trending topics that afternoon on Twitter.

Anita Campbell, CEO and Founder of Small Business Trends; Rieva Lesonsky, CEO of SmallBizDaily and business expert Susan Solovic led the discussion sponsored by MetLife. You can see the chat in its entirety here at #MetLifeSmallBiz.

Check out some of the excerpts from the discussion below:

The chat started with a question about business culture itself.

Of course, great benefits can also be part of the equation.

Projections for hiring in the coming year were discussed as well.

But participants also acknowledged real challenges:

So how are small businesses doing it?

And what are the secrets small businesses have determined really work?

Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "#MetLifeSmallBiz Twitter Chat Breaks the Internet with Discussion on Business Culture" was first published on Small Business Trends

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