Once your business makes a sale, your job is far from over. If you want to establish long-term success, you have to continue selling to those customers over and over again.
Small Business Trends spoke with Jamie Domenici, global Vice President of Customer Adoption and marketing for Salesforce at the recent Dreamforce conference in San Francisco. Part of Domenici’s job at Salesforce is reaching out to customers right after they purchase to find ways to improve the experience for them.
Keep Selling to Existing Customers
Domenici said, “Our team, from the second you buy, is there for you. We send you an email, we let you know, ‘here are all of your tools, here are all of the people, here are your partners in crime, and we’re going to go on the journey with you.”
Salesforce provides a number of different ways for customers to enhance their experience once they’ve purchased the initial product. Resources include a community of peers from whom you can glean insights and the company’s learning platform Trailhead.
Though Salesforce clearly is a larger business, small businesses can still learn from this tactic. No matter what enhancements you offer, it’s important to find unique and creative ways to help your customers even further once they’ve bought from you. And that, in turn, can increase customer loyalty and improve your chances of selling to those customers again down the road.
So even if you’re just getting started selling to customers, you have to think about a long-term plan as well. How are you going to keep those customers happy so you can continue to sell to them over and over again?
Domenici said, “Once you start selling to people, you know what happens? You have customers. And you’ve got to keep them happy if you want to sell some more. So I think that thinking about the long term is really important.”
This article, "The Importance of Selling to Your Existing Customers" was first published on Small Business Trends
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