Friday, January 5, 2018

5 Amazing Reasons to Add a PS to Your Next Business Email

Here is Why You Should Add a PS to Every Business Email You Send

Your business emails may be missing something — a P.S.

P.S., or postscript, has long been used in various forms of written communication as a way of adding an additional thought after a message. And if your email signature doesn’t include one, you could really be missing out.

Ivan Misner is a networking expert, founder of franchised networking association BNI and author of the recently released Networking Like a Pro. Misner is a big believer in the power of the postscript.

Misner said in a recent phone interview with Small Business Trends, “It’s something that a lot of people use in sales. But the average business person doesn’t really think about it.”

Reasons Why to Add a PS to Every Business Email

Here are some of the reasons why Misner believes every business owner and professional should add a P.S. to your email signature.

Add a Thought That Stands Out

Chances are, you have one major goal for your business at any given time. It might be increasing sales of a new product, gaining social media followers, converting email subscribers into loyal customers. Whatever that goal is, you should constantly be working toward it. But it isn’t always possible to bring it up naturally within the body of an email. So when you use a P.S., you can add an extra thought that doesn’t have to necessarily fit with the main message. For example, you can always communicate a quick message that aims to support your main business goal of the moment.

Provide a Call to Action

In most cases, a P.S. in your email signature should be some kind of call to action. If you’re trying to sell a product, it could be a link to that page of your website. If you’re trying to connect with prospects, it might be a link to a video of your sales pitch. The P.S. section gives you a simple way to make that call to action stand out.

Make Lasting Connections

Even if you’re not specifically trying to sell something, you can use your email signature to give people an easy way to follow you elsewhere online. Misner recommends adding a link to your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn profiles and encouraging people to connect with you on those platforms if you’re trying to grow your network online.

Add Something Memorable

You could also simply use the P.S. section to share a funny or unique thought that might make your message stand out in the minds of those you communicate with. If that one little thing, perhaps a humorous quote or pithy joke, makes you memorable to potential prospects or partners, it could benefit your business down the road.

Call Attention to Promotions

Of course, you can also change your P.S. within your email signature regularly to keep things fresh for those who you might communicate with regularly. In fact, Misner recommends changing it up every couple of months, or with every message for mass marketing emails. This gives you a simple way to promote sales or limited time offers.

Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "5 Amazing Reasons to Add a PS to Your Next Business Email" was first published on Small Business Trends

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