Thursday, January 18, 2018

72 Percent Will Judge Your Company by the Quality of Your Business Card (INFOGRAPHIC)

Business Card Facts: What You Need to Know (INFOGRAPHIC)

A business card is a piece of your company’s direct marketing plan. It typically includes a person’s name, phone number, email address, website and company. While the exchange of business cards might seem outdated in today’s digital world, it is still almost a ritual. People feel more intimately connected with a business and its representatives when they engage in eye contact and actually exchange physical cards. Sending contact information via email or text is convenient, but it is also extremely impersonal.

If you haven’t got a card that you can hand out to fellow business people, prospective clients and collaborators, you’re missing out on a key marketing opportunity. However, not all business cards are created equal. A bad business card is actually worse than no card at all.

A Bad Business Card Is Worse than No Business Card

According to data from Statistic Brain Research Institute, 72 percent of people judge a company or person based on the quality of their business cards. And 39 percent of people would choose not to do business with a company if they had a “cheap looking” business card.

You, therefore, want your small business card to stand out without being too different. More than half (57 percent) of business people say having a business card is essential to their business.

So, how do you create an effective business card and ensure it is not “cheap looking?”

How to Create an Effective Business Card

An ideal business card contains all of the vital information people need to contact you, as well as useful extras like your photo and business logo. People remember faces and images better. Adding a call-to-action can also make your card more effective and memorable.

People also often flip business cards over to check if there’s more information there. Consider putting some items on the back as well, such as a list of services your business provides.

Business Card Facts

Learn more about how to create (and use) business cards effectively — even on your business travels abroad — from this cool infographic created by below.

Business Card Facts: What You Need to Know (INFOGRAPHIC)Images: Colourfast

This article, "72 Percent Will Judge Your Company by the Quality of Your Business Card (INFOGRAPHIC)" was first published on Small Business Trends

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