Saturday, January 6, 2018

Consider These 10 Tips, Tools and Trends for Small Business Greatness

The 12 Best Laptops Under 1000 Dollars

If you want to grow your business in 2018, you’ll need the best tips, tools and trends to get you there. There is no shortage of possible options for everything from managing your employees to improving your website. Members of the online small business community have these suggestions.

Use This Template for Performance Reviews

If you want to get the most out of your team, you need a way to let them know how they’re performing. That’s where performance reviews come in. The team at Process Street put together this helpful performance review template to help you work your way through that process.

Improve Site Speed with These WordPress Plugins

If your website takes a long time to load, it could lead to a poor SEO score or visitors who simply opt to go with one of your competitors instead. So it’s important that you take steps to improve site speed whenever possible. In this post on the Abtech Blog, Abasifreke Etop offers some WordPress plugins you can use to achieve this goal.

Develop the Ability to Think Differently

A unique perspective can be a major benefit to a small business owner. If you don’t already look at things a little differently, Martin Zwilling shares 10 steps to help entrepreneurs develop the ability to think differently in a recent post on Startup Professionals Musings. BizSugar members also share thoughts on the post here.

Learn the Best Time to Send a Newsletter

A newsletter can be a great tool for communicating with your customers. But it’s only going to be effective if it gets to subscribers when they’re actually likely to read it. So you need to know what the best times are to send one. Ivan Widjaya of Biz Penguin offers some insights in a recent post.

Get People to Read Your Posts

If you use a blog to promote your business or communicate with customers, you also need to find ways to actually get people to read your posts. In this post, Kenneth Holland shares some thoughts and a video on the subject.

Make the Most of Twitter Analytics for Your Marketing Strategy

Lots of businesses use Twitter as part of their marketing strategy. But not all businesses use it to its full potential. The tips in this Basic Blog Tips post by Pankaj Narang can help you make the most of the platform for your marketing efforts.

Keep an Eye on These Email Marketing Trends

Through the years, email has remained one of the top digital marketing tools for businesses of all sizes. But though the medium itself has remained steady, the trends that impact how businesses use it have changed. Check out some of this year’s trends in a recent Marketing Land post by Kyle Henderick.

Make Mundane Written Topics Interesting

Your blog posts or other content don’t have to be about some really exciting subject in order to be effective for your business. However, you do need to be able to make even the most mundane subjects interesting for your target audience. Learn how in a recent Pixel Productions post by Jack Elever. You can also see commentary on the post over on BizSugar.

Develop a Business Plan That Anyone Can Execute

A great business plan can be one of your biggest assets. And having one that other people can understand and execute can also help you scale and grow your business for years to come. Rieva Lesonsky elaborates in this CorpNet post.

Prepare for the Future of Voice Search

Voice search has emerged as a major trend over the last couple of years. And there are some key things your business should know if you’re going to make your business relevant in this area. Read more in a recent Search Engine Journal post by Aleh Barysevich.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Consider These 10 Tips, Tools and Trends for Small Business Greatness" was first published on Small Business Trends

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