Monday, May 1, 2023

How to Start a Bee Farm

Honey bees are an integral part of the planet’s ecosystem, and, as most know, are in danger. As a result, bee farming is becoming a popular hobby, and it also can become a profitable business. Interested in starting a bee farm? We’ve got the full scoop on how to start a successful bee-farming business.

What is a bee farm?

Obviously, a bee farm is a place where people raise bees, usually honey bees. But bee farming is about more than protecting bees. Bee farmers produce and sell a variety of products, including fresh honey, candles, moisturizers, health food products and even actual honey bees.

how to start a bee farm

Simple Steps to Start Bee Farming

Are you interested in learning how to start a farm keeping bees? Whether you want to start a beekeeping business full-time or as a side gig, you can accomplish your goals in just a few simple steps:

1. Learn About Bee Farming

Before you can start any successful business, you need to understand the industry. If you aren’t already a honey bee expert, do your research on bees and bee farming. You can research websites, speak with experienced bee farmers, read books and even find a bee farm app to help you with your research.

2. Create a Bee Farm Business Plan

Like any other small business, you need a solid bee farm business plan to organize your bee farming efforts and seek any sort of financial support. If you’ve never written one, a business plan template can help you plan your bee farming business.

3. Do a Market Survey

Can a bee farm be successful in the area you plan to establish it? It’s important to conduct marketing research before starting any small business, but especially important for niche markets. If the area happens to already be flooded with bee farms, you’ll have a harder time than if your marketing research uncovers a market where that gap has yet to be filled. Likewise, you’ll have the most success in a market where there’s actually a demand for bee products.

4. Decide on a Location

Your market research will help you determine the best place to start your bee farm, but it’s just important to consider other factors associated with the bee farm’s location. Will the climate support raising honey bees? Are there any regulations that might make bee farming in one place more difficult than another? What are the best states to start a farm keeping bees?

5. Buy Beekeeping Equipment

What equipment do you need as you embark on your beekeeping journey? First and foremost, you need bee hives. You can purchase hives, or you can try constructing your own hives based on a variety of guides explaining just how to build a bee hive. In addition to bee hives, you’ll need other equipment and beekeeping tools, including:

  • Hive tools
  • Protective clothing
  • Water source
  • Feeder
  • Smoker
  • Sugar

6. Connect with Local Beekeepers

One of your greatest resources for learning the craft of beekeeping and how to operate a successful bee far is other local beekeepers. Not only will they have the knowledge to provide guidance and answer questions, but they also will have the most expertise on factors unique to your local area. Of course, you probably don’t know a lot of beekeepers. Joining a local beekeeping association will remedy that.

7. Name Your Bee Farm Business

What will you call your business? Every business needs a meaningful and memorable name that attracts customers. Plus, you need to name your business before you can start thinking about obtaining licenses or marketing your products. While you’re naming your business, you also should choose an appropriate logo to represent your business.

8. Register Your Beekeeping Business

To keep your business compliant with state and local regulations, you will need to register your business and obtain the necessary business licenses. Where and how you do this will vary depending on your location, but you should be able to find out online or by contacting your city, county or state government.

9. Open a Business Bank Account

You’ll have a harder time convincing lenders that your business is legitimate if you don’t open a separate bank account for the company. Not only does a business bank account provide credibility to your bee farm, but it’s extremely important in preventing your personal funds from mingling with your company’s money.

10. Buy Honey Bees

You can’t exactly start a bee farm without bees, can you? When purchasing bees, it’s vital you obtain the proper types to form a complete bee colony. Queen bees are absolutely necessary for a colony of bees to function, but a healthy colony also needs plenty of worker bees and drones.

New beekeepers can purchase packages that come with the right combination of bees. They also can order nucleus hives, which come already filled with bees. Some adventurous beekeepers will try to attract a swarm to empty hives, and if successful can start their bee farms without purchasing bees.

11. Check Local Regulations

Has your local government passed regulations specific to bee farming, agriculture or business in general? Like any other small business, you have to make sure your beekeeping business complies with any local regulations, so make sure you research them, contact or local beekeeping association or reach out to your chamber of commerce.

12. Care for the Bees

Once you’ve established your bee nests, you have to make the effort to care for your bee colonies if you want them to survive. Be sure you familiarize yourself with the various pests and diseases that can harm honey bees and how to avoid them. While it takes work to maintain your hives, it’s easily accomplished as experts claim to spend only a half hour each week or as few as 15-30 hours in an entire year tending a hive.

13. Harvest Honey

Once your bee colonies are established, they will start producing honey. While much of their honey production is to feed the bee colony, there will be plenty left over for your business to transform into honey products and sell to customers. There are specific processes and techniques for harvesting honey, so make sure you do plenty of research for the best results.

14. Market Your Bee Farm Business

Unfortunately, when it comes to business, simply building it won’t make customers come. You need to market your products to draw customers to them. Create a marketing plan for your bee business, and make sure you allocate a portion of your budget toward your marketing strategies.

15. Sell Your Beekeeping Products

After all of the effort you’ve put into starting your bee farm, it’s time to open for business. Whether you’ve established a storefront, you’re selling honey in the online marketplace, or you’ve set a display at the local farmers’ market, you want to focus on the presentation of your products to make the best impression on potential customers.

16. Expand Your Beekeeping Business

Congratulations! You’ve successfully launched a bee-farming business. What now? You might have started a simple beekeeping operation, but now that the hard part is over, it’s time to expand. How will you span your business? Will you add more hives? Will you offer additional bee products? Will you promote your bee farm to a larger market? The expansion options for a bee farm are only as limited as your imagination.

What value-added products and services can a bee farm produce?

A bee farm does a lot more than produce fresh honey. Beekeeping businesses are responsible for a host of bee products. While some products from honey production are rather predictable, others might surprise you. What sorts of value-added products and services can a bee farm produce?

Raw Honey

The thick, sweet, and golden liquid produced by bees make a tasty treat for the colony, as well as practically any person who experiences it. Bees make honey from the nectar of flowering plants in order to feed their queen and her colony, as well as her offspring. However, the excess honey can be collected by beekeepers for human consumption.

Honey Bees

Successful beekeepers can earn income from keeping bees healthy and selling them to other bee farms or amateur beekeepers. In fact, healthy bees in a region with plenty of nectar sources can produce an annual profit of $300-$500 per hive.


Beeswax is a natural wax produced by honey bees and discarded into their hives. When collected, beeswax was used as the first plastic, and it’s still used as a lubricant and waterproofing agent, polish for wood or leather and an ingredient in cosmetics, among many other uses.


One of the most popular ways that many bee farms use leftover beeswax is in candle making. Beeswax candles are preferred by many consumers since they use no artificial chemicals, so they are more environmentally friendly. Plus, they smell amazing. When lit, beeswax candles produce a mild yet pleasant scent, and they usually burn without smoke.

Bee Pollen

Bee pollen consists of a combination of flower pollen, nectar or honey and bees’ own digestive enzymes. People consume it as dry granules, ground into a powder, added to foods as a garnish or swallowed in pill form. Because bee pollen is rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, amino acids and antioxidants, it’s gained quite the reputation as a superfood.

Pollination Services

Farmers need bees to pollinate their crops, but many areas no longer support the necessary bee population necessary for local agriculture. Pollination services help farmers in their pollination efforts by renting hives to them. The hives are located near the crops, and the beekeeper takes care of the bee management.


Propolis, also known as bee glue, is a resinous substance produced by honey bees, and it consists of a mixture of saliva and beeswax. Bees use propolis as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in their hives. People, however, use propolis to treat ailments because of its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antiulcer, anticancer and immunomodulatory properties.

Royal Jelly

Honey bees produce royal jelly to feed their larva and queen bee. One of the most nutrient-rich substances on Earth, royal jelly offers multiple health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, cholesterol reduction, skin repair, reduced blood pressure and much more.

Skin Care

A variety of skincare products are made from bee products, including royal jelly and honey. Some of these products include lotion, cosmetics, anti-aging masks, beard balms, lip balms and much more.

Can a honey bee farm make money with only a few hives?

If you’re wondering how to make money farming bees, then you’re probably wondering how many hives you need to make money as a professional beekeeper. Fortunately, you can start raising bees and producing bee-related products with just a couple of hives. Then, you can always expand once you’ve established your bee farming business. However, if you want to offer bee services to other businesses, such as farms or other beekeepers, you will need at least five established hives.

What are the environmental benefits of raising bees?

As pollinators, bees play a part in every aspect of the ecosystem. In fact, bees are responsible for pollinating 85% of the crops consumed by humans. However, their vital function has become threatened in recent years as bees are dying at alarming rates. Raising healthy bees helps counter this worrisome trend, producing more bees to pollinate our crops, which then can produce even more future bees.

Risks of a Bee Farming Business

Are there downsides to bee farming businesses? What are the risks? Sure, beekeeping offers plenty of benefits and potential for profit, but what else is there to consider? Potential hazards associated with bee farming include:

  • Stings – Always a risk when beekeeping, a protective suit should help avoid this common hazard. Make sure you aren’t allergic!
  • Injury – Beekeepers sometimes must lift heavy supers of honey, which could result in a back injury.
  • Burns – Beekeepers who aren’t cautious could become burned when using a bee smoker, which contains a smoldering fire. Beeswax can also be extremely flammable when handling it to create products.
  • Chemicals – Even if beekeepers stick to organic chemicals, these natural compounds still sometimes can be hazardous when handled or inhaled. Be sure to wear protective equipment and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Loss – Starting a bee farm shares a common risk with starting any other small business: the risk of failure. Should your venture not succeed, you could lose your investment.

How profitable is bee farming?

Bee farming can be a highly profitable endeavor for a dedicated entrepreneur, especially one who diversifies their business offerings. For example, rather than selling only honey, a profitable bee farm also might expand its business to market other bee-related products like soaps and candles. They even can offer bee services such as pollination or even bee sales.

How many acres do you need for a bee farm?

Unlike most other farms, you don’t need a huge amount of space to start a bee farm. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can start a beehive on your apartment balcony, either. Generally speaking, a bee farm can support two or three hives on just 1 to 2 acres of land.

How much does it cost to start a bee hive?

Is it expensive to start beekeeping? Not necessary. You can get your first beehive up and running for about $750 for the first year. This amount includes a hive with components, a bee package, protective gear, beekeeping tools and other miscellaneous supplies. It does not, however, include other costs associated with the cost of doing business.

How much does it cost to maintain a beehive?

The cost to maintain an established beehive is one of the lowest for any business. A beekeeper must purchase sugar for syrup, pollen patties, varroa mites treatments and hive beetle traps, if needed. These costs are negligible. Even if the beekeeper has to replace an entire colony or repair hives, the annual maintenance cost should only be about $300 for two hives.

Is it hard to start a bee farm?

Starting a bee farm isn’t difficult, but it does require time and effort to find success. You need to make sure you offer the bees enough space to flourish, and you have to make sure you maintain the bee colony by providing plenty of food. The hard work comes when it’s time to harvest the honey and produce other products, but it’s very manageable for just about anyone to accomplish with proper planning.

Can you have a honey bee farm in a city?

Living in the city doesn’t necessarily exclude you from starting a honey bee farm. Backyards and rooftops both can be suitable for at least one hive. However, it’s vital you look into local laws and regulations that might restrict beekeeping within city limits.

How many times can you harvest honey in a year?

One great thing about bee farming is the proclivity of honey production. Honey harvesting season runs from mid-summer to early fall. Unlike many other types of farms, where crops can only be harvested once a year, can be harvested 2-3 times each season, depending on climate and nectar flow. Avoid harvesting honey during a new beehive’s first year because the colony is still growing and working on its honey production.

How do you attract bees to your beehive?

If you don’t want to purchase bees, you can try attracting a swarm to colonize your beehive. How do you attract bees to your hive? Many beekeepers then will use either essential oils or commercial pheromone lures to draw the bees toward the traps. After placing the boxes in strategic locations, all that’s left to do is wait for the bees to move in and call it home.

How long do honey bees take to produce honey?

You might be surprised at how quickly bees can produce honey. A colony of 550 bees can produce a pound of honey in just 2-3 weeks. In fact, if nectar flow is strong, a successful colony can fill a 10-frame super with honey in only 2-3 days.

Image: Envato Elements

This article, "How to Start a Bee Farm" was first published on Small Business Trends

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