Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Spotlight: Crowd Surf Stands the Test of Time by Working Closely with Artist Clients

Artists and creative brands often require a different marketing style than other businesses. And many prefer a marketing provider that works closely with them throughout every step of their journey.

Luckily, this is exactly what Crowd Surf provides. And it’s part of the reason they’ve stuck around for nearly two decades so far. Read about the company’s story below in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Provides services for artists.

Co-founder Cassie Petrey told Small Business Trends, “We do Artist management and provide digital marketing services to artists, brands, and other entities.”

Business Niche

Getting in the trenches with artists.

Petrey says, “We’re not just sending a list of ideas and dumping work onto our clients. We’re with them every step of the way carrying that work load with them.”

How the Business Got Started

Creating their own dream careers.

Petrey explains, “My business partner and I both really liked working at a record label, but had temp jobs doing various social media tasks. We really wanted to grow in our careers, but the job “social media manager” didn’t really exist in 2007. We knew that was the job we wanted though, so we started a company that provided that service because we felt that a lot of artists needed it then and would continue to need it in the future.”

Biggest Win

Sticking around.

Petrey says, “Our biggest win is that we still exist 16 years later. I’ve seen a lot of companies come and go. I’m really proud that we’re still out here working with incredible artists.”

Biggest Risk

Getting creative with marketing.

Petrey adds, “We take a lot of risks in our marketing campaigns, but when it comes to our livelihood and our staff salaries… we’re not trying to do anything to jeopardize that.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Saving for emergencies.

Petrey says, “Honestly, would probably put it in a savings account. Would look at it as a peace of mind/emergency fund.”

Secret to Success

Being a true partnership.

Petrey explains, “My business partner and I have owned it 50/50 from day one. We never raised capital. We never took out a loan – we just did it. I feel like that’s rarer and rarer these days.”

Favorite Quote

“I think Fearless is having fears but jumping anyway.” -Taylor Swift.

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Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Image: Photo of Cassie Petrey and co-founder Jade Driver by Brandon Phillips, Cassie Petrey headshot by Annie Noelker

This article, "Spotlight: Crowd Surf Stands the Test of Time by Working Closely with Artist Clients" was first published on Small Business Trends

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