Saturday, January 13, 2018

10 Marketing Tips and Tricks to Bring Your Business Up to Speed

How To Speed Up Your Business Website In A Few Simple StepsMarketing in 2018 is likely to look a bit different than it did in 2017. So if you want your strategy to be effective going forward, you have to make adjustments and keep up with all the latest trends. Here are some thoughts and tips from members of the online small business community to help you do just that.

Consider the Best Strategies for Instagram Growth

If you’re looking to use Instagram as a marketing platform for your business, you need a strategy. There are plenty of different ways you can go about growing your Instagram presence. And Lilach Bullock discusses some of them in a recent post on the DIY Marketers blog.

Evaluate the Authenticity of Marketing Services

Once your company has grown enough that you can’t handle everything yourself, you might consider hiring a marketing service. But how do you know which services are authentic and which ones aren’t? Jeremy Webb of offers some insights.

Grow Your Low Traffic Blog

You don’t need to start out with tons of blog traffic in order to use a blog to grow your business. In a recent Web Hosting Secrets Revealed post, Gina Badalaty shares an interview with tips for low traffic bloggers. And BizSugar members also comment on the post.

Don’t Put Everything Off Until Tomorrow

Procrastination can be a major problem for small business owners. If it’s something that you struggle with, check out the discussion in a recent Crowdspring post by Arielle Kimbarovsky, who shares six reasons why tomorrow can be your business’s worst enemy.

Learn How to Handle Social Media PR Disasters

Even though social media can be a great marketing asset, it can sometimes lead to PR problems for businesses too. When that happens, you need to know how to mitigate the damage. Ben Steele shares some tips in a recent Social Media HQ post.

Promote Your Brand More Creatively

If you want your brand to stand out from the competition, you have to get creative. In some cases, you can learn from larger brands that have unique marketing strategies. Susan Solovic offers an example that small businesses and marketers can learn from in a recent blog post.

Plan for These Google Changes and SEO Trends

SEO continues to evolve as Google makes adjustments to its algorithm. To stay ahead of the curve, you can see some predictions and insights in a recent Search Engine Land post by Pratik Dholakiya.

Avoid These Questionable SEO Techniques

In addition, there are some techniques that you would do well to just stay away from. Anil Agarwal of Bloggers Passion details some of those techniques in this post. You can also see commentary from the BizSugar community here.

Learn How to Set Up Facebook Groups for Pages

Facebook groups can be a great way for you to grow a community around your business. And chances are, you already have a Facebook page that you can use to get a jumpstart on growing that online community. In a recent Social Media Examiner post, Kristi Hines details the process for setting up a Facebook group for your page.

Use These Simple Hacks to Grow Your Digital Marketing Presence

Marketing your business online can seem overwhelming since there are so many options. But there are a few basics that you shouldn’t overlook. A recent SMB CEO post by Ivan Widjaya includes some simple hacks you can use to get started growing your digital presence.

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This article, "10 Marketing Tips and Tricks to Bring Your Business Up to Speed" was first published on Small Business Trends

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