Saturday, January 13, 2018

Find Out What Trends Can Make Your Business More Profitable This Year

What are the major trends that are likely to impact your small business in 2018?

If you already knew the answer to this question, you’d be well on your way to a profitable year. But if you don’t have a crystal ball to see into the future, you might need to listen to insights from experts.

One opportunity to do just that comes in the form of a webinar scheduled for January 24. 5 Trends that Will Drive Your Profitability and Growth in 2018 is the webinar that will feature information about the top five trends that could impact your small business this year so that you can better leverage that information to grow your business.

If you’re interested in attending, you can learn more and find out how to register in the Featured Events section. Then check out even more upcoming events to consider for your small business in the list below.

To see a full list or to submit your own event, contest or award listing, visit the Small Business Events Calendar.

WEBINAR: 5 Trends that Will Drive Your Profitability and Growth in 2018WEBINAR: 5 Trends that Will Drive Your Profitability and Growth in 2018
January 24, 2018, Online

Customer habits and perceptions are rapidly evolving as new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things go mainstream. New opportunities are opening up – but at the same time businesses of all sizes are under intense pressure to meet changing customer expectations. In this webinar on Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 2:00 pm ET, you will learn five key trends that will drive profitability and growth in 2018, if businesses quickly leverage them and adapt to them, including: The Automation Revolution, Rise of Amazon, Expectations, The Instant Customer Service Trend, The DIY Dichotomy, Always-On Operations. Get ahead of the curve and lead in your marketplace, by understanding how to use these trends for growth and profit. Register today!

LEAP HR: Retail Conference, Nashville 2018LEAP HR: Retail Conference, Nashville 2018
February 27, 2018, Nashville, Tenn.

LEAP HR: Retail 2018 will once again dig deeper into the innovative people leaps helping digital-native and established retailers succeed in a rapidly transforming industry. With new speakers, fresh case studies, and a pre-conference ‘Boot Camp’ day dedicated to what the next-generation retail workforce really looks like, LEAP HR Retail 2018 remains the unique opportunity for senior people leaders in this industry to really challenge and get creative around how we do HR in retail.

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This weekly listing of small business events, contests and awards is provided as a community service by Small Business Trends and SmallBizTechnology.

Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Find Out What Trends Can Make Your Business More Profitable This Year" was first published on Small Business Trends

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